TOEIC Exam - Part 2 Question response


You can watch our video explaining the Part 2 Question Response section of the TOEIC® exam.


In the Question Response section for the TOEIC® exam, you will first listen to a question and then listen to three possible responses. You will have to answer which of the responses would be the most appropriate for the question asked. You will only have one chance to listen to the responses as they will not be repeated. Below is a sample question that you may encounter in the Question Response section. 


Instructions: Please listen to the audio file and choose the response A, B, C or D which best describes the picture

Click this Audio file to play the question:

Click this Audio file to play the response:

The sentences in the audio file were:

Q. What time is it now?

a) It’s 8:00pm
b) Tomorrow
c) Thursday

The correct answer was: a) It’s 8:00pm


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